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The Beauty Bloggery

The Beauty Bloggery: October 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Diet Tip Laugh

I saw this online and just had to post this here, now DO NOT do this or take this seriously... I am just posting it as a Beauty/Diet Tip Joke. I hope you get a chuckle out of this statement, I did.

“would like to announce today’s weight loss tip: Use superglue as lip gloss”

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

I miss the beauty business... maybe it's time to open an e-store soon.

Be prepared for an unedited ramble... I am not doing to well today, nor this week, so it maybe a while before I brush this up. Anyway this contains some info on me, my dreams, plans, my former occupation and my ramblings about wanting to open up my own beauty e-store. 

So without further adieu, here are my ramblings (you were warned)

I am currently researching highly pigmented Eye Shadows that are in bulk at a good price... also I am looking into starting up my online business once more, but this time it will be more mine then hubbys. Last time it was leathers we were selling... we did okay until the internet became flooded with like e-stores, although we ran at a loss, we gave it a good try until all our work, about 2 or 3 years into it gave us just one sale, a pair of gloves. Heck we do have a Harley so you can guess who our best customers where. lol

Back then we ran that E-store, I felt that we needed an e-store for me and my beauty expertise. I could give out my secrets, hints, tips and even recipes as well as hope to make some sales doing what I love to do the most! I was after all a Trainer of Professional Cosmetologists (advanced training) as well as received my "PHD" in color from Clairol's extensive training as well as Managed a Salon and still worked in the business. I became disabled with chronic pain and the job that was custom made for me, I had to leave.

I will tell you, there is nothing like seeing the posture and the expression of people that came in to have a beauty treatment, haircut, color, perm or what have you... the before and after posture could be dramatically different.... that alone I found as my reward for a job well done. What was it that a sudden light behind an expression on someones face or a little hop or skip in their step that made my heart sing? And they knew me... rich or poor alike, I never treated anyone differently and I knew stylists that wouldn't treat people the same... I took hugs for my tips and although I was the poorest stylist, not living at home with my parents, and trying to make it on my own, I felt rich in spirit. Maybe I also had so many requests because I knew that each and every person that came to me was my personal billboard... and that kept me so busy that my off hours were spent with me finally getting to my managerial duties, yup 6 am until midnight 5 or 6 days a week... with time off to teach the advanced techniques and get my advanced training as well. I loved it so very much and miss it, there is only just so much that my family, friends and neighbors can have me help them with to feed this need in me to share, and perhaps bring some joy to others... I was made for that kind of work and still 20 years after my chronic pain got to be too much for me to work any longer, I crave that old career and the joy it brought to my life.   

I am poor, but I am skilled in painting and when I am well enough I paint, mostly in oils... but also I am teaching myself to draw on the computer.

I hope to make some money with my artwork, either online or at an art fair, and if I do I think it's time to invest. I would be nice to bring in some money and make more then my Social Security Disability. So I am getting the word out on my plans to open up my own beauty e-store... my Mother let me know of the Firemens Art Show Auction, she managed to do an oil painting of the recent fire in Boulder on time, but alas I cannot paint right now, so for next year I plan to be ready for the Art Show/Fair. Perhaps, just perhaps, my one Art passion will then help me invest in my Beauty passion and we shall see The Beauty Bloggery in a whole new way, as a shop as well as a place to ramble on about beauty and fashion.

Well in a bit I shall review and edit this... I accidentally hit publish now and don't wanna tease whomever read my ramblings by taking this out.
I hope to place my Copyright on some pictures and post them on here (and perhaps in my other 2 blogs) to show some of my artwork.

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